Faculty Profile
Faculty Profile


Ram Ratan Khunte          

HoD & Assistant Professor

(Computer Application)

NAAC/IQAC Co-ordinator

Govt. Vedram College, Malkharoda,

Dist. Sakti (C.G), INDIA (http://www.gvcmalkharoda.in/)

Contact: +91- 9302791879, E-Mail Id: ramratan.skt10@gmail.com



Currentlyworking as a HoD & Assistant Professor (Computer Application)

Departmentof Computer Science, Govt. Vedram College, Malkharoda            05-04-2022   --   Present

Dist.Janjgir-Champa (C.G.) INDIA

(Affiliatedto Shaheed Nandkumar Patel Vishwavidyalaya, Raigarh (C.G.))



Workedas a Assistant Professor, Departement of CSIT,                                  25-01-2021   -- 04-04-2022

GuruGhasidas Central University, Bilaspur (C.G.) INDIA                             


Workedas a Assistant Professor, Department of Computer Science                  05-12-2020   --  24-01-2021

Govt.Bilasa Girl’s P.G. College, Bilaspur (C.G), INDIA


Workedas a Assistant Professor, Department of Computer Science                  01-07-2019   --  31-03-2020

Dr.B.S.P. College Gharghoda, Raigarh (C.G), INDIA


Workedas a Assistant Professor, Department of Computer Science                  01-07-2018   --  28-02-2029

ChaitanyaCollege Pamgarh, Janjgir-Champa (C.G), INDIA


Workedas a Technical Assistant, Aisect Computer Academy                         01-07-2017  -- 30-06-2018

Tilaknagar,Bilaspur (C.G), INDIA



·3 Years Post Graduation (M.C.A.) (2014-2017)

GuruGhasidas Central University, Bilaspur (C.G.) INDIA   (https://www.ggu.ac.in/)

Aggregate:79.22 %


·3 Years Graduation (B.C.A.) (2012-2014)

BilaspurUniversity, Bilaspur (C.G.) INDIA                   (https://www.bilaspuruniversity.ac.in/)

Aggregate:62.91 %


·1 Years Diploma (D.C.A.) Distance Education (2013)

MATSUniverisity Raipur (C.G.) INDIA                        (https://matsuniversity.ac.in/)

Aggregate:66.00 %


·Higher Secondary School Certificate Examination (Class XII) (2010)

Govt.Higher Secondary School, Nandour Kala, Sakti (C.G.)

ChhattisgarhBoard of Secondary Education Raipur (C.G.)

Aggregate:58.40 %


·High School Certificate Examination (Class X) (2008)

Govt.Higher Secondary School, Nandour Kala, Sakti (C.G.)

ChhattisgarhBoard of Secondary Education Raipur (C.G.)

Aggregate:58.50 %






CG State EligibilityTest (CG SET) – 2019

CGPSC AssistantProfessor – 2019

UGC-NET – 2024

UGC-NET (Admissionto Ph.D) - 2024



Participatedin 32 Days UGC Sponsored Faculty Induction Programme Organized by UGC – HRDC,

KumaunUniversity Nainital U.K. India FIP-17 scheduled,from 16th June to 17th July, 2023.



·  Paper published on “NOVEL APPROACH TO DETECT ANDPREVENT CRIME USING BIG DATABASE” Ram Ratan Khunte1, Rajwant Singh Rao21Department of Computer Application Govt. Vedram College Malkharoda Sakti, C.G.2Department of CSIT, Guru Ghasidas Vishwavidyalaya Bilaspur C.G. Journal ofScience and Technology ISSN: 0973-7219, Volume 19, Issue 4, 2022, pp.- 240-245 Availableonline at https://new.ggu.ac.in





·   NationalResearch Seminar Cum Symposium Present on “Big Data Analysis to PreventCrime by using Database”. Organized by Uttam Memorial College, Raigarh(C.G.) India From 10th January 2020.



·   OneWeek Online International Workshop Certificate Participation on “Applicationof Python” Organized by Department of Computer Scienceand Application, Atal Bihari Vajpayee Vishwavidyalaya, Bilaspur (C.G). INDIA inAssociation with American Institute of Management  & Technology (AIMT), USA, A Subsidiary ofthe Global Knowledge Foundation , Inc, USA held from 5th to 9thJune 2021 has successfully attend in International Workshop.



·   OneWeek Online FDP Program Certificate on “Emerging Trends in MachineLearning and its Applications” Organized by Department of ComputerScience and Information Technology, Guru Ghasidas Central University, Bilaspur(C.G). on held from 07 March 2022 to 11 March 2022 has successfully worked as aMember of Technical Team in (FDP)




·      Asa Master Trainer for NEP 2020 Higher Education Raipur, Chhattisgarh & UGC-MalaviyaMission Teacher Training Centre Pt. Ravishankar Shukla University, Raipur,Chhattisgarh State Level Train The Trainers' Programme On National EducationPolicy-2020 Successfully Completed The Two-Day State Level Train The Trainers'Programme On Nep-2020 Held From 27.06.2024 To 28.06.2024.


·      ElectionCommission India duty as a Sector Officer for got a certificate throughDistrict Collector Sakti C.G.

·      NationalOne Week Online Seminar Certificate Participation on “World EnvironmentDay Celebrations,” Organized by CHAITANYA SCIENCE &ARTS COLLEGE, PAMGARH DIST – JANJGIR-CHAMPA (C.G.) held from 5ThJune 2023 to 10th June 2023 has successfully attend in (Seminar).


·      6Days Faculty Development Program (FDP) on “Quality Enhancement InclusiveGrowth And Capacity Building Through Innovation And Entrepreneurship In HigherEducational Institutions” organized by Internal Quality Assurance Cell(IQAC), Chaitanya Science & Arts College, Pamgarh, Janjgir-Champa (C.G.) FromMay 13 to 19, 2023.


·      NationalWorkshop on “Intellectual Property Rights”, 25th April 2023,organized by Institution’s Innovation Council (IIC) & IQAC, ChaitanyaScience & Arts College, Pamgarh, Janjgir-Champa (C.G.)


·   NationalOne Week Online FDP Program Certificate Participation on “ICT Tools forEffective Teaching Learning” Organized by Amar SewaMandal’s Kamla Nehru Mahavidyalaya, Nagpur-440024 Maharashtra INDIA held from 23rdMay 2022 to 28th May 2022 has successfully attend in (FDP).


·   OneWeek Online FDP Program Certificate Participation on “Emerging Trends inMachine Learning and its Applications” Organized byDepartment of Computer Science and Information Technology, Guru GhasidasCentral University, Bilaspur (C.G). INDIA held from 07 March 2022 to 11 March2022 has successfully attend in (FDP).


·   OneDay Webinar Program Certificate Participation on “Conceptual Plagiarismin Contemporary Research” Organized by Department of Education,Guru Ghasidas Central University, Bilaspur (C.G). INDIA held from 29thNovember 2021 has successfully attend in Webinar.


·   TwoWeeks Online FDP Program Certificate Participation on “Hands-on with ICTTools” Organized by Department of Computer Science and Application,Atal Bihari Vajpayee Vishwavidyalaya, Bilaspur (C.G). INDIA held from 10thAugust 2021 to 21st August 2021 has successfully attend in (FDP).


·   InternationalWebinar Certificate Participation on “Application of Augmented and VirualReality in Education ” Organized by Department ofMechanical Engineering, Maharaja Institute of Technology Thandavapura. andassociation with Eon Reality held from 31st August 2020 hassuccessfully attend in Webinar.


·   NationalWebinar Certificate Participation on “Present Scenario of E-Commerce andLocal Retailers” Organized by Department Commerce,Shaildevi Mahavidyalaya, Anda Durg(C.G.) held from 30th August 2020has successfully attend in Webinar.


·   OneWeek Online FDP Program Certificate Participation on “Deep Learning andMachine Learning Applications in Computer Vision” Organized by Departmentof CSE, Guru Ghasidas Central University, Bilaspur (C.G). Under Electronics andICT Academy NIT Patna, & Ministry of Electronics and InformationTechnology(MeitY), Government of INDIA held from 22nd – 28thAugust 2020 has successfully attend in (FDP).

·   NationalWebinar Certificate Participation on “Impact of Lock Down Period onEnvironmental Ecosystem in Perspective of Indian Subcontinent” Organizedby Department of Chemistry, Physics, Maths, Govt. G.B. College HardiBazar, Korba(C.G.) held from 24th August 2020 has successfullyattend in Webinar.


·   NationalWebinar Certificate Participation on “National New Eduction Policy –Samarth Bharat” Organized by Sarthak Sanvad (PragyaPravah) Jaipur, Rajsthan, held from 23th August 2020 hassuccessfully attend in Webinar


·   CertificateParticipation on “Spit Free India Movement” Organized byNSS, Government of Maharashtra held from June - August 2020 has successfully isawarded.


·   NationalWebinar Certificate Participation on “Changing Role of Teachers OnBackdrop of National Education Policy (NEP)-2020” Organized byAtal Bihari Vajpayee Vishwavidyalaya, Bilaspur (C.G). INDIA held from 5thSeptember 2020 has successfully attend in (FDP).


·   TwoWeeks Online FDP Program Certificate Participation on “ICT Tools forTeaching Learning Process and Institute” Organized by Electronicsand ICT Academies(NIT Patna, MNIT Jaipur, PDPM IIITDM Jabalpur, IIT Guwahatiand IIT Roorkee) of the Ministry of Electronics and InformationTechnology(MeitY), Government of INDIA held from 10th – 21stAugust 2020 has successfully attend in (FDP).


·   NationalWebinar Certificate Participation on “Solid Waste Management and GarbageFree INIDA During Pandemic Covid-19” Organized by  NSS, Chaitanya College Pamgarh and Atal BihariVajpayee Vishwavidyalaya, Bilaspur (C.G.) INDIA held from 07 September 2020  has successfully attend.


·   Certificateof Participation on “Coronavirus Diseasse (COVID-19) Awareness Quiz,2020” Organized by  TERI SAS Biotechnology Society, Department ofBiotechnology, TERI School of Advance Studies 10- Institutional Area, VasantKunj, New Delhi -110070 held from June-July 2020  has successfully passing of e-Quiz andobtained score 100%.


·   Certificateof Participation on “The Life of Mahatma Gandhi” Organized byGovt. Shahid Gendsingh College, Charama Distt Uttar Bastar Kanker(C.G)., held from 21st August 2020 to 25th August 2020has successfully passing of e-Quiz.


·   Certificateof Participation on “Online Teaching and Learning” Organizedby Govt. Shahid Gendsingh College, Charama Distt UttarBastar Kanker (C.G)., held from 18th August 2020 to 25thAugust 2020 has successfully passing of e-Quiz and obtained 97%.


·   Certificateof Participation on “Accounting and Finance” Organized byDepartment of Commerce, Govt. College Kotri, Distt- Mungeli (C.G.),held from 9th January 2020 has successfully passing of a NationalLevel Quiz competition.


·   Certificateof Participation on “Online Teaching and Learning” Organizedby Govt. Shahid Gendsingh College, Charama Distt UttarBastar Kanker (C.G)., held from 18th August 2020 to 25thAugust 2020 has successfully passing of e-Quiz and obtained 97%.



·  Guest Lecture onas a Speaker of Theme- “Use of ICT tools for effective learning” ChhattisgarhCouncil Of Science And Technology (CGCOST) Sponsored One Day National Seminar/Webinar held on 01/10/2024 at Govt. Kranti Kumar Bhartiya P.G. college Sakti(C.G.)

·  In appreciation ofnotable contribution as an Chief Eminent Speaker on 11th May, 2023 for anExpert Talk  on “NationalTechnology Day Celebration 2023” organized by Department of ComputerScience & Application in collaboration with Institution’s InnovationCouncil (IIC), Chaitanya Science & Arts College, Pamgarh.

·   Guest Lecture on “LatestTrend in IT with IoT, Bigdata, Analysis and Data Science” organized byDepartment of Computer Science, Pt.Jawaharlal Nehru College, Nawagarh, Distt-Janjgir Champa (C.G).  held from 26th  February 2022

·   Guest Lecture on “NetworkSecurity with IP Addresses” organized by Department of ComputerScience, Pt.Jawaharlal Nehru College, Nawagarh, Distt- Janjgir Champa (C.G).  held from 10th  September 2022



·   HoD(Department of Computer Science)

·   AISHE/ ABC Nodal Officer

·   NodalOfficer] Higher Education Web Portal

·   NAAC/IQACCoordinator 

·   CollegeICT in charge 

·   Memberof Board of Studies in Shaheed Nandkumar Patel Vishwavidyalaya Raigarh C.G.

·   Collegeweb portal coordinator

·   CollegeSmart Classroom coordinator

·   CollegeTechnical Assistant coordinator

·   CollegeHardware/Software Technician

·   DepartmentalScheme and Syllabus related activities

·   CareerGuidance related Members



·   AdvanceOperating System

·   RDMBS& Bigdata Analysis

·   AI& Machine Learning

·   ComputerNetwork & Network Security

·   TOC& Compiler Design

·   DigitalLogics & CSA

·   ProgrammingLanguages

·   Python




·  Scholarship from CG State Governmentof School Education

·  Scholarship from CG State Governmentof UG, PG, Diploma





·   BCA

·   MCA

·   BSc(Honors)CS/IT


·   DCA/PGDCAetc.

·   PrePh.D Course work Subject



Ram Ratan Khunte

S/o.-Shri Sonu Bhagat Khunte

MothersName - Late Smt. Triveni Khunte

DOB- 10th August, 1992

BloodGroup - B+Ve 

Email id- ramratan.skt10@gmail.com

Office Email id- digitechcomputersciecne@gmail.com

Mobile- +91- 9302791879, +91-9754791879



Departmentof Computer Science, Govt. Vedram College, Malkharoda, Distt. – Sakti (C.G.),Pin 495691, INDIA.   



House No 271,Vill- Nawapara Khurd, Post- Nandour Khurd, Tehsil-Sakti, Distt- Sakti (C.G.)Pin 495689, INDIA. 



House No 271,Vill- Nawapara Khurd, Post- Nandour Khurd, Tehsil-Sakti, Distt- Sakti (C.G.)Pin 495689, INDIA. 


Text Box: Ram Ratan KhunteHoD & Assistant Professor(Computer Application)Govt. Vedram College, Malkharoda,Dist. Sakti (C.G), INDIA 

Date: 26-10-2024

Place: Malkharoda

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